Sunday, January 22, 2017

Just In: Blasting Note7 Explained!

Samsung is trying to win back their customers' trust as they just posted a video on their official youtube channel, explaining the technical flaws in the battery of Note7 which made it to catch FIRE. Find the official video here.

Committed to Quality is what the title is on the video and the way they made this video is truly impressive. The video sites BATTERY as the main issue of the fire incidents of the Note7. It gives a lot of technical details as how the quality assurance lacked few tests and how they learned from this and are improving their testing process. For all the technical details head over the video and learn more about, but cutting it short the batteries of both the original Note7 and the replacement units had manufacturing defects which did not get detected during testing. The video says that Samsung has learnt a lot from this is always committed to innovate for giving the customers best experience without the cost of quality, but only time will tell that will Samsung be able to win the trust of the customers again. It is a long, tough road for Samsung this year to win the trust back and all we can do is to wish them luck.

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